Bed Ministry
It became apparent that most of them had no beds for themselves or their children. It had really not occurred to me that this might be the case, at least not MOST of them! But, indeed, this was the case. I became entrenched in prayer about it, a bit overwhelmed as well. All I kept saying was, “What do you want me to do for them, Lord?” One day while in the basement of the center, looking for blankets for someone, I heard God in my heart say, “Get them up off the floor, and their belongings too. Each of my children deserve a clean bed and place to keep his clothes clean. Provide a bed and dresser and clean sheets and blankets for my children.” So, the Bed Ministry was born. It started pretty measly in an old decrepit blue van.
Last year our tremendous team of Bed Boys (actually, mostly men over 63) delivered over 600 beds to children and their parents who were on the floor, not an upgrade — but on the floor. The dignity of having your own place to sleep safely, and a place to keep your belongings clean, was something none of these folks had ever experienced. Many, at ages 7-9 have never had a bed! To date, we are on target to do this again or far exceed it. MSU, CMU, Hampton Inn, and others have consistently given us beds. We also pick them up daily around the city – gently used, and waiting for the right child.